
Monday 13 May 2019


Hi Everyone I am going to talk about a dog named Hachi okay lets begin Hachi  Was a dog that was born in 1923 and he had a owner named Hidesaburo Ueno and he loved hachi then as the owner left to another country and then he Past Away there then for Ten Years Hachi waited at the Train Station in Japan and people gave him snacks and there is a movie of him and Hachi died in 1935 because of Skin Cancer so they made a statue of the Brave dog Hachi.
Thanks For Reading


Hi again so when go on someones Blog you would Comment or just Read or just Watch it but If you comment just do a kind comment so if you comment just type down awesome words not like nasty words Like oh this Stinks just don't comment if you want to write bad words so just write like oh this was Awesome or oh this was FUN to Read and I comment oh it was a Nice Video and do not Cyber Bully okay because if your in another school and you bully someone in another school then that is called Cyber Bullying and this is a (WARNING) for people that Cyber Bully so if you get Cyber Bullied just tell your Caregiver or Teacher and  Remember do Not Cyber Bully
Thanks For Reading DO NOT CYBER BULLY :3

Bad-Guys Episode 1

Bad guys is a book full of bad guys around there city and it is so cool and awesome but the bad guys on the book cover is the city's people's hero and they like to save people from danger and it is cool that the bad people save people The End